Smart agriculture

ABSTRACT With the availability of various satellite data sources such as Landsat and Sentinel images, use of spectral data and its application in agriculture are currently being tried and tested in the Philippines. These moderate to high resolution satellite imageries provide spectral variability...
ABSTRACT The National Agriculture and Food Research Organization (NARO) established the Research Center for Agricultural Information Technology in October 2018 to lead data-driven agriculture. The research center’s missions are agricultural AI study, the operation of agricultural data...
Country: Japan Topic: Smart agriculture
ABSTRACT In 2017, the Council of Agriculture in Taiwan initiated “Smart Agriculture (SA)”, a 6-year research program. Based on sensor/sensing technologies, intelligent robots, Internet of Things (IoTs) and big data analytics, it is expected to build smart production, marketing and digital...
Country: Taiwan Topic: Smart agriculture
ABSTRACT Food security, self-sufficiency level and pursuance of environmental stewardship have long been emphasized as the mainstay of Malaysia’s national agendas for development. Achieving all three essentials requires an agricultural sector that is robust to vagaries of nature and market....
Country: Malaysia Topic: Smart agriculture
ABSTRACT The bigdata is produced by various industry fields. Especially, the agriculture bigdata is collected from IoT (Internet of Things) technology. In this study, we researched the Smart Farm Big Data management and utilization. The smartfarm bigdata in Korea refers to real-time environment...
Country: Korea Topic: Smart agriculture
