Smart agriculture

ABSTRACT The reticuloruminal function is central to digestive efficiency in cattle. Monitoring the rumen condition in cattle is important because a dysfunctional rumen system may cause death. Subacute ruminal acidosis (SARA) is a typical disease in cattle, characterized by repeated periods of...
Country: Others Topic: Smart agriculture
ABSTRACT Cow farming is very popular in Vietnam. In fact, 95% of dairy cows in the country have been scattered raised in small barns. Thanks to the application of modern techniques, the management of barns gets easier and easier. Cow monitoring is necessary to help farmers take a comprehensive...
Country: Vietnam Topic: Smart agriculture
ABSTRACT To save the labor cost of chicken egg production records input and reduce the probability of incorrect data input, we use the existing 134.2kHz full-duplex animal electronic tag and 125kHz electronic tag in Asia, combined with the Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) multi-frequency...
Country: Taiwan Topic: Smart agriculture
ABSTRACT Currently, artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics are being applied to improve livestock production. Artificial neural networks (ANN) are a computational model, which is based on the biological neuron of human brain to respond to optimal estimated value. The ANN are also a set of...
Country: Thailand Topic: Smart agriculture
ABSTRACT Proper reproductive management, breeding and calving is essential for the good farm management. Recently the conception rate of cattle is decreasing. One reason is the weak estrous behavior which makes difficult to breed at the appropriate time. Therefore, the efficient detection system...
Country: Others Topic: Smart agriculture
