Import regulation and quarantine

ABSTRACT Reference prices at the farm level for several strategic commodities issued by the Ministry of Trade are generally higher than fair prices to obtain reasonable profits (20-30% of total farming cost). For maize, soybean, and sugar, the reference price is around 2.28%; 14.34%; and 13.40%...
ABSTRACT Myanmar has the potential to increase its rice production, quality and exports. The rice industry remains the most important contributor to GDP, income and employment generation. Rice is grown in 34% of the the country’s total cultivated area in 2016. The labor engagement rate of...
ABSTRACT The Plant Quarantine Division of the Bureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine (BAPHIQ) is in charge of the plant import and export quarantine and inspection affairs. For plants and plant products to be exported to other countries, BAPHIQ conducts the inspection or...
INTRODUCTION Currently, the world’s population is posted at about 7.5 billion people and is expected to reach about 8.5 billion by 2030 and 9.8 billion by 2050 (United Nations, 2017). This booming population would require sustainable global food production. The need to improve productivity and...
INTRODUCTION Following Indonesia’s Agriculture Policy Act 2010 No. 13 regarding the horticulture statutory framework, there is international trading which includes the import and export regulations detailed in the Agriculture Policy Act 2017 No. 15. The regulations shall be stipulated as basis...
