
ABSTRACT Storage is an important component of the postharvest handling operations of agricultural products. Identification of the postharvest activities in rice farmers has been the focus of continuing study by agricultural economists. However, the individual characteristics and other...
INTRODUCTION A sharp increase in of palm oil imports from Malaysia over the past two years causes more Myanmar consumers to switch from relatively costly peanut oil to a cheaper one. Imported palm oil is nearly as good as peanut oil, has a clear color and the price is so cheaper that many people...
ABSTRACT This study emphasized the estimation of the food security status and coping strategies employed to cope with food insecurity and better understanding of major determinants of per capita food expenditure at household level in Myingyan Township. To examine rural household’s access to...
Introduction Increased productivity and profitability of farming is an important pathway to reduce poverty in the rural areas of Myanmar. After land, water and human resources, fertilizer is undoubtedly one of the agricultural inputs to increase the high yield when used in proper time and proper...
Country: Myanmar Topic: Agribusiness
ABSTRACT This study attempted to explore the marketing and distribution situation in the supply chain of rice seed in lower Myanmar. The survey was conducted from September to October, 2015. The stratified random sampling method was used to select the seed growers, seed dealers and farmers. A...
