Yoshihisa Godo Professor, Meiji Gakuin University, Japan   1. Definition of a farm household   A farm household is a typical unit of farming in Japan. The Japanese Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) defines a farm household as “a household...
Country: Japan Topic: Overview
Albert P. Aquino, Princess Alma B. Ani and Meliza A. Festejo      1. Introduction   Agriculture is a key sector of the Philippine economy. It produces food for a growing population. It supplies essential raw materials and products for the manufacturing sector and...
Country: Philippines Topic: Overview
Dr. Hwang-Jaw Lee, PhD Board Director, Taiwan Flowers Development Association   In recent years, global climate change has caused instability in agricultural production and supply of staple foods around the world. In response, and on the basis of concepts drawn from “risk...
Dr. Hwang-Jaw Lee, PhD Board Director, Taiwan Flowers Development Association     Ever wanted to try your hands at farming? Ever wanted to put your green thumbs to the test? Look no further than the Farmers’ Academy, a virtual academic network established by the Council of Agriculture (...
Dr. Hwang-Jaw Lee, PhD Board Director, Taiwan Flowers Development Association   Taiwan has long faced young force exodus. For one, the aging population in the rural areas has caused worries of agricultural human fault. To promote the development of a sustainable agriculture, government...
