Introduction The vegetable industry is one of the important industries in Malaysia. It provides food for people, creates jobs for rural community and generates revenue for economic development. In general, the vegetable industry in Malaysia is carried out by small-holder farmers. Farmers manage...
Country: Malaysia Topic: Overview
ABSTRACT In recent years, although Vietnam rice has ranked 2nd in export in international arena, the rice quality is still low. Majority of rice export is of low quality and without recognized brands, which has led to a lower price in comparison with that of Thailand and India. The main cause is...
Introduction Indonesia is a large country in terms of population and geography and has the potential to become a food supplier for the world in the coming decades. Just recently, Indonesia’s Minister of Agriculture urged his government to promote the food program in the country to the World Food...
ABSTRACT Effective fishery policies invariably trace their roots from science-based assessment of the issues involved. Such assessment is characterized by a systematic process of problem identification, empirical examination of alternative solutions and a decision criterion designed to achieve the...
Country: Philippines Topic: Fisheries
According to the IFAD (International Fund for Agricultural Development) 2015 report in State of Food Insecurity of the World, there is no “one-size-fits-all” solution for tackling hunger and food insecurity. Interventions must be tailored to conditions, including food availability and...
Country: Taiwan Topic: Agribusiness
