Aldho Riski Irawan

Indonesian Center for Agriculture Socio Economic and Policy Studies (ICASEPS),
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ABSTRACT The relocation of the national capital is an old issue in Indonesia and has only been realized during the current government administration. It will certainly have positive and negative impacts, including on the agricultural sector. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the planning...
Country: Indonesia Topic: Overview
ABSTRACT Indonesia implements policy strategies by providing certification and implementing replanting programs to ensure the achievement of sustainability standards of the palm oil industry. The country follows the certification standard system issued by the Roundtable Sustainable Palm Oil (...
Country: Indonesia Topic: Agriculture
ABSTRACT On 18 May 2021, the Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture issued Regulation Number 18/2021 concerning the Facilitation of the Local Community Plantation Farm Development in the country. This regulation expects to facilitate business investment as mandated by Law Number 11/2020 on Job...