Introduction The forestry sector is a specific sector, which has an important role in economic development, social security and ecological environment. Currently, the sector is managing 16.24 million hectares of forests and forest land, accounting for about half the total area of ​​the national...
Country: Vietnam Topic: Forestry
INTRODUCTION Rationale: Since the Renovation (“Doimoi”) with significant agricultural reform transpired,Vietnam has transformed itself from being a food importing country to one of the world’s largest exporters of agricultural products such as pepper, coffee, rice, cashew nut...
Country: Vietnam Topic: Overview
Decision No. 661/QD-TTg, 29 July 1998 of the Prime Minister on objectives, policies and implementation arrangement of the 5 million ha reforestation project. New plantation of 5 mil. ha of forest, protection of the existing forest to increase forest cover to 43%; Local people are main force for...
Country: Vietnam Topic: Forestry
Decree No. 02/CP, dated 15 January 1994, of the Government on allocation of forest land to organizations, households and individuals for stable using long-term for forestry purposes. The State allocated forestry land to organizations, households, individuals for stable, long-term use. This...
Country: Vietnam Topic: Forestry
Law on Forest Protection and Development in 1991, in 2004, Decree No. 23/2006/ND-CP, 3 March 2006 on implementation law on forest protection and development regulates are to ensure sustainable development in terms of socioeconomic and environment; forest protection and development need to be in...
Country: Vietnam Topic: Forestry
