Bio-safety disposal of dead animals is important to sustainable and healthy development of animal husbandry industry, public health and safety, and ecological environment safety. Leaders of the State Council attached high importance to this matter, and made instructions as “emphasizing on reform...
In recent years, the MoA (Ministry of Agriculture) attached high importance, took effective measures and strengthened its work to achieve remarkable results in farmland quality building and management. This played an important role in securing national food safety.   On the one hand, the...
INTRODUCTION   Paddy production is among the important industries in Malaysia. It contributes around 71.4% of local rice requirements in 2014. Most of paddy farmers depend on paddy production as their main source of income. There are 12 granaries in Malaysia, and Kemubu Agriculture...
After several rounds of negotiations in the past two years, Taiwan and the Philippines concluded the Agreement Concerning the Facilitation of Cooperation on Law Enforcement in Fisheries Matters on November 5, 2015. The pact was signed in Taipei by Representative Gary Song-huann Lin of the Taipei...
Country: Taiwan Topic: Fisheries
Introduction In response to global economic environments, improving the competitiveness of agriculture is a major issue.  At the regional context, ASEAN member states including Indonesia are confronted with the implementation of ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) by 31 December 2015.  This...
Country: Indonesia Topic: Overview
