
ABSTRACT Several reforms were brought in through several amendments in the Tea Marketing Control 2003 to safeguard the Small Tea Growers (STGs) from the prolonged price crisis. The green leaf tea prices for the last decade hovering around US$ 0.10 to 0.18/ kg (INR 82/US$), which is far below the...
ABSTARCT  The objective of the paper is to examine the major reforms implemented in agricultural marketing to regulate marketing of farm produce in the country; and the extent these reforms helped in achieving market -linked price realization for the farm produce by providing competitive...
INTRODUCTION Dragon fruit (Hylocereus spp.), a herbaceous perennial climbing cactus, widely  known as Red Pitaya, has recently drawn much attention among the Indian growers, not only because of its attractive red or pink color and economic value as fruit, but also valued for its high...
Country: India Topic: Agriculture
ABSTRACT In Nagaland, located within the Indo-Burma and Himalaya biodiversity hotspots in India, customary rights are protected by the Indian Constitution, and the majority of natural habitats (88.3%) are owned and managed by individuals and clans overseen by village councils, district councils...
ABSTRACT India is one among the fastest growing economy countries in the world and lifted around 160 million people out of poverty over the last 25 years. It is geographically, culturally, and economically diverse.  The agricultural sector remains as the main source that drives the growth and...
Country: India Topic: Agriculture
