Dr. Jeongbin Im
Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development
College of Agricultural and Life Science
Seoul National University
Seoul, Korea
E-mail: jeongbin@snu.ac.kr
On September 18, 2014, the Korean government announced that the government...
Sung-Jae Chun
Public-Service Advocate of Korea
Explanatory Note for Translation
This article is posted on September 3, 2014 at the official website of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, Republic of Korea in order to prepare for rice import tariffication...
Dr. Jeongbin Im
Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development
College of Agricultural and Life Science
Seoul National University
Seoul, Korea
E-mail: jeongbin@snu.ac.kr
Agro-food Export in Korea
Agricultural exports are considered important not only...
Dr. Jeongbin Im
Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development
College of Agricultural and Life Science
Seoul National University
Seoul, Korea
E-mail: jeongbin@snu.ac.kr
The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (MAFRA) announced that...
Dr. Jeongbin Im
Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development
College of Agricultural and Life Science
Seoul National University
Seoul, Korea
E-mail: jeongbin@snu.ac.kr
The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (MAFRA) announced the...
Sanghyo Kim
Food and Marketing Research Center, Korea Rural Economic InstituteJob Title
Research FellowE-mail
skim@krei.re.krLatest Submission from Korea
Rice Market Opening with Tariffication in Korea
Direction of Measures on the Korean Rice Industry
Korea’s Agro-food Exports and Its Export Promotion Policy
The 15th Session of the Korea-China Agricultural Cooperation Committee
Korea’s Participation in the 2014 Food Expo in Hong Kong