The Philippine rice sector has always been the center of government agricultural policies. The focal points of the policies revolve around promoting food self-sufficiency, providing high income to rice farmers while making prices affordable to the consuming public. The accession to WTO...
This paper provided brief discussion of the current state of Philippine agriculture, the challenges being faced by the sector as well as the plans at least for the medium-term. It highlighted the importance of agriculture in the country and the challenges faced by the government to...
A brief discussion on the importance of technology transfer policy was discussed in this paper. It provided the significance of crafting a law for technology transfer and what are the pressing issues and challenges to be addressed. Related policies were also presented and how they...
The importance of AFNR graduates in the Philippines
The Philippines, like the rest of the developing world, experienced accelerated industrialization and urbanization in recent decades. Worldwide, the demographic transition process and globalization of labor and trade have been...
The future challenges facing agriculture will require a paradigm shift from a production orientation to a market-centric orientation. There should be a mindset shifts from a traditional perspective of agriculture of production to a market-centric agribusiness model. Philippine...
Princess Alma B. Ani
Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development (PCAARRD)Job Title
Supervising Science Ressearch SpecialistE-mail
princessanidala@gmail.comLatest Submission from Philippines
The Philippine Rice Tariffication Law: Implications and Issues
The Current State, Challenges and Plans for Philippine Agriculture
The Philippine Technology Transfer ACT
Enhancing the Demand for AFNR Graduates through S&T: A National Program Boosting Agri-Aqua based Entrepreneurship among the Youth in the Philippines
Best Practices of Agri-entrepreneurs in the Philippines