Jeong-bin Im

Jeong-bin Im

Jeong-Bin Im is Professor of Department of Agricultural Eonomics and Rural Development in College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Seoul National University. Professor Im holds Ph. D. in Agricultural and Resources Economics from the University of Maryland at College Park (U.S.A) after having M.A and B.A. from Seoul National University.

His academic research and publication covers a wide range of agricultural policy and trade topics such as agricultural direct payment program, WTO and Free Trade Agreement(FTA) issues. He is contributing to many academic journals, as editorial board member for Journal of Korean Agricultural Policy, Journal of Korean Livestock Management and as Editor-in-chief for Journal of Korean Agricultural Economics.

In addition, he has advised several developing country governments, international organizations as well as various Korean ministries on agricultural policy and trade issues. Professor Im is currently working, among others, as Chair for Evaluation of FTA Compensation System Forum and Chair for Dietary Education Forum, and served as a Member of Presidential Committee on Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Policy.

Join FFTC-AP since 2013

Latest Submission from Korea

ABSTRACT   MAFRA established a ‘Five-year Comprehensive Plan for the 3rd Foreign Agricultural Resources Development (`18~`22)’. This plan is to change the direction of foreign agricultural development into developing various crops, help the expansion of related industry, and support...
一、摘要 韓國農業、食品暨農村事務部 (Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, MAFRA)制定《第三期海外農業資源開發—五年綜合計畫(2018-2022年)》,旨在轉型海外農業開發的推進項目,包含開發各種農作物、協助相關產業的拓展、支持農企業海外發展,以確保國家農業競爭力以及未來的糧食供應基地。MAFRA透過在農企業間建立合作平台及舉辦交流會等,促進產業間的互動,與強化線上資源、專業諮詢,以協助農企業到海外擴張的起步階段。最終目標為使計畫中海外開發形式多樣化、加強產業間連結。此外,積極建構東南亞和北方(如俄羅斯等地)...
ABSTRACT Since the late 2000s, the Korean government has been making aggressive efforts to increase exports of agricultural products. As a result, agricultural exports have nearly tripled over the past decade. This article examined the structure of Korea's agricultural export support system...
Country: Korea Topic: Agribusiness
摘要 從2000年代晚期起,韓國政府不遺餘力地提升農產品的出口量。因此,農產品出口量在過去十年間成長將近三倍。本文探討韓國農產品出口支援制度和各項計畫的內容。政府實施的農產品出口支援計畫之法律根源為農業農村食品產業基本法(Basic Law of Agriculture and Rural Food Industry)。訂定的農產品出口相關政策主要由韓國農漁食品貿易公司(Korea Agro-Fisheries...
Country: Korea Topic: Agribusiness
INTRODUCTION Agriculture plays a crucial role in the stages of economic development. In addition, agriculture has transformed from the individual level to a commercial scale with the growth of the economy. On the other hand, Korea's agriculture has changed very rapidly over the last 60 years....
Country: Korea Topic: Overview
