INTRODUCTION This Regulation is to prevent and control pollution from livestock and poultry breeding, boost the comprehensive utilization and harmless treatment of livestock and poultry wastes, protect and improve environment, and guarantee the physical health of the general public. Chapter I...
Country: China Topic: Agriculture
INTRODUCTION Food recall management measures enacted to strengthen the supervision of most agricultural products. This will greatly enhance the overall quality of agricultural products. The Administrative Measures for Food Recalls, as deliberated and adopted at the executive meeting of the...
Introduction The agricultural industry is highly risky. It is risky because the unpredictable weather conditions and recent climate changes cause unstable quality and quantity of agricultural production outputs. It is normal for a farmer to make a living highly dependent on weather conditions. If...
Source: Council of Agriculture How can consumers get information regarding product sources? To close the gap between consumers and producers, the Council of Agriculture (COA) launched a specific database, “Agri-Product Business Inquiry”, in its official website, in order to...
Minister Bao-ji Chen of Council of Agriculture Executive Yuan (COA) participated in a workshop meeting with young farmers in the central area (Taichung, Changwha, Nantou) on June 17.  In the said meeting, Minister Chen responded to the needs of young farmers through a special project of zero...
