In the past, Singapore had an agrarian economic sector, but over time, the traditional farmlands in villages transformed into urbanized areas, leaving only a sliver of land use in Kranji for high tech agriculture. Even the Kranji farming landscape over time transformed into multistoried...
Within the international community, Taiwan's International Cooperation and Development Fund (ICDF) collaborated with other capacity-building organizations to finance and establish infrastructures for economic development. These funds are transparently provided via reputable funding...
Taiwan exerts soft cultural power in a variety of ways, including through its popular culture and its manufacturing prowess in ultra-high tech products. In the cultural sphere, food and culinary cultures have gained international acceptance for its chain restaurants and seafood fares....
Taiwan with its New Southbound policy has reached out to ASEAN and India for economic and business opportunities. These two regions were amongst the world’s most promising growth rates (higher than the global average) before the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic and are expected to have...
Tai Wei Lim
Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS)Job Title
limtaiwei2009@gmail.comLatest Submission of the Author
Technologies in Singapore’s High Tech Kranji Farms
Technical and Technology Help for Small Farmers– Taiwan’s Technological Contributions to the World
The Implication of Agriculture in Taiwan's Soft Cultural Power
ASEAN Measures against the Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic in Relation to the Agri-Food Sector and its Cooperation with Taiwan, India and CJK