Agricultural technology development

ABSTRACT This study aims to mainly review the approaches, current state, and policies on Thai farmers' digital literacy, under the challenges in many aspects of farmers' digital literacy who operate on a small scale and lack skills and resources, and are facing aging and less educated in...
ABSTRACT With modern technology’s progress, the sharing economy model has become a business model actively popularized by various industries. The shortage and aging of the agricultural labor force have created an opportunity to accelerate the development of agricultural machinery sharing. Units...
ABSTRACT This study discusses the commercialization of public-funded agro-based technology in MARDI, one of the Government Research Institutions (GRIs) in Malaysia, and the challenges that limit the commercialization of the technology. MARDI was recognized as one of the best models in...
ABSTRACT Coconut is one of the important food crops in Malaysia in terms of land usage, after oil palm, rubber and paddy. Coconut cultivation provides source of income for more than 100,000 families and generates revenue from the export of coconut-based products. Despite its importance, coconut...
