Vietnam Sustainable Coffee Plan Till 2020 and Vision to 2030

Vietnam Sustainable Coffee Plan Till 2020 and Vision to 2030

Published: 2016.10.11
Accepted: 2016.10.11
Institute of Policy and Strategy for Agriculture and Rural Development,Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Vietnam
Vice Director General
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in Vietnam




The main objective of Vietnam’s sustainable coffee plan and vision is to build Vietnam's coffee sector development toward modernization, consistency, sustainable and highly competitive, with diversified products, high quality, provide high added value, and improve the incomes of farmers and their respectives enterprises.

Objective to 2020:

  • Stable coffee plantation area of about 600,000 hectares, including 80% of the application process for sustainable coffee production; yield: 2.7 tons/ha, the total production of 1.6 million tons / year; the volume of 1 ha of coffee per capita reached 120 million;
  • Increase the rate of wet coffee processing from 10% to 30%; proportion of instant coffee, ground coffee to reach 25% yield;
  • Total annually export value to reach 3.8 to 4.2 billion USD.


Coffee production

Reviewing development planning coffee

Reviewing coffee production planning in the appropriate direction to natural conditions, especially sources of water for irrigation, improve product quality, meet market demand, ensure efficiency and sustainable development. By 2020, the total coffee area planted is estimated to be about 600,000 hectares:

-  The development of key coffee production include four provinces in the Central Highlands and will compose of about 530,000 ha: 190 thousand ha Dak Lak, Lam Dong 150,000 hectares, 75,000 hectares of Gia Lai, Dak Nong 115,000 hectares.

-  The other aresa include seven provinces planted to coffee, or about 70,000 hectares: 20 hectares of Dong Nai, Binh Phuoc 15,000 hectares, Ba Ria - Vung Tau 6,000 hectares, 12,500 hectares of Kon Tum, Quang Tri, 5,000 hectares, Son La: 7,000 hectares, Dien Bien: 4,5000 hectares.

The plan also includes planting some areas of high quality Arabica coffee (there in coffee and coffee foxtail organic) 25% of the area in Lam Dong tea coffee, Kon Tum, Son La, Dien Bien.

Replanting coffee area

The area for coffee plantations need replanting and planning, depending on the specific conditions:

- Growing replanting: 2020, re-cultivation acreage of about 90,000 hectares of coffee, plantation replanting done each year from 15-20% of the area.

- Grafting renovations: About 30,000 hectares, mainly concentrated in the provinces of Lam Dong, Gia Lai and some other areas with similar conditions.

Restructuring varieties

- Use 100% new coffee varieties (yield, high-quality, ripe fruits) in replanting, Renovations grafting and new planting; the rate of new varieties of coffee acreage to 40% of the national coffee.

- Increase the coffee area by about 7,000 hectares over 2013, concentrated in Lam Dong, Kon Tum, Son La, Dien Bien and some other areas with similar conditions; It uses 100% of new Arabica coffee varieties.

Apply technical process of sustainable coffee production

- Common practice processes for sustainable coffee production for producers, to 2020 is around 80% of the coffee production process to apply good agricultural production (certification, such as UTZ Certify, 4C, Rainforest Alian and VietGAP ...) and 80% of fresh cherry and coffee production standards follow TCVN 9728-2012.

- Improving coffee area irrigated to 95% in the Central Highlands and the South East, in which, coffee areas with proper irrigation saves approximately 180,000 hectares.

- Investment in construction of geographical indications (GI) for the production of high quality coffee.

Trade and processing

Manage local agency

-  Approve form of the contracts and regulations of coffee deposit system to include purchasing agents- coffee deposit in control activities; Support the establishment of cooperatives, cooperative groups coffee input service, the output for farmers; establishment of linkage in the coffee value chain.

- Create conditions for farmers, enterprises coffee temporary storage initiative, participating to regulate the supply and demand in the market, ensuring the interests of the production and trading of coffee.

To reduce the loss post-activities

- Ensure that 100% of the coffee beans are dried, with proper drying technical standards.

- Increase the rate of wet processing coffee by 30% in 2020, and separate wet coffee processing which is 100% of production.

- Use of coffee processing by-products to compost for production of coffee in the household.

To develop the process industry sector

Coffee bean processing:

Gradually replace equipment chain processing technology of green bean coffee exported through the chain backward

+ Investments synchronous processing facilities, coffee classification system exported by modern production line, advanced technology; Apply management system according to ISO: 9000, ISO: 14000, HACCP ...

+ By 2020, 100% of the coffee processing establishments for export in compliance with national technical regulations: coffee processing facilities - conditions for ensuring food safety.

coffee powder processing

Investments in modern equipment systems, branding, joint development of materials to enhance the product value

instant coffee processing, coffee 3 in 1 and instant coffee:

Investment co-oporation coffee regional development materials, improve product quality, develop domestic and international markets to improve production efficiency.

Coffee trading

Trade promotion and export

- Proposed Government issued conditions for export processing enterprises to control coffee clue coffee exports.

- Stepping up trade promotion activities, fairs, international conferences on coffee, building the website to join direct selling to roasters.

- By 2020, 80% of production exported directly to consumers, international roasters, not other intermediaries

Building a system of modern coffee consumption

- Develop market for the product in the country of about 1 to 5% of annual coffee production.

- Develop and improve the system of information on the business environment, distribution, prices of coffee, actively apply electronic commerce in the purchase, sale, consignment and national coffee fall.

- Develop the project on developing commercial systems adapt coffee to buy, sell, coffee deposit in each region of the country and the international market as well.

- Investment to build and put into operation in 02 coffee exchanges in the Central Highlands coffee and TP. Ho Chi Minh city.



On the basis of planning-oriented coffee country, the local detailed planning coffee growing areas in the province, directing the implementation and management planning according to current regulations. To review, sort, identify replant coffee area, plans, roadmaps, solution implementation resources mobilized replanting schemes.

Science and technology

- Continue to invest in research and create coffee variaties with productivity, quality, pest and disease tolerance, adaptation to climate change conditions. Develop well prepared seed quality coffee for coffee replanting.

- Continue to improve intensive processes, re-cultivation of coffee to suit each specific conditions, modeling and training delivered to the producer.

- Look at measures to boost mechanization of tending and harvesting coffee; technology research and design, manufacturing processing equipment line of coffee beans for export.

- Research and market development of domestic consumption, foreign market forecasts to guide producers and processing enterprises.

- Issue a system of standards and technical regulations on coffee national matching international standards.

- Stepping up agricultural and industrial extension for replanting areas, water-saving irrigation, mechanization of some tending, harvesting and processing of coffee; especially the primary processing and preservation of coffee farmers.


- Continue to implement a number of policies issued: Plan on development of agricultural crops, forestry, livestock breeding and fisheries similar to 2020 (Decision No. 2194 / QD-TTg dated 25/12/2009) ; supporting policies aimed at reducing losses in agriculture (Decision No. 68/2013 / QD-TTg dated 14/11/2013); encourage cooperation policy, linking production associated with the consumption of agricultural products, building large sample field (Decision No. 62/2013 / QD-TTg dated 25/10/2013); Policies to support the application of Process practice good agricultural production in agriculture, forestry and fisheries (Decision No. 01/2012 / QD-TTg dated 09/01/2012); policies to encourage enterprises to invest in agriculture and rural development (Decree No. 210/2013 / ND-CP dated 12/19/2013); Credit policy for export ...

- Report of the Prime Minister issued a new policy: funding to buy coffee replanting seeds or scion improvement; planning, re-cultivation plan for coffee; measurement, profile certificates of land use rights to households and individuals to plant replanting prescribed; Credit policy for replanting coffee plantation ...


- Encourage the establishment of associations of coffee growers in 60% of the local coffee growers in the country, strive to establish the Vietnam coffee growers.

- Facilitate the trading system formed, coffee deposit ensures full legitimacy, openness, transparency, facilitate bringing more value to coffee growers.

- Encourage the production and business enterprises established through coffee trade promotion funds, insurance funds industry to implement stimulus programs advertise coffee in the country and overcome risks in production and business, especially against negative fluctuations in the world coffee market.

Training human resource

- Promote the training of human resources with a high level of biotechnology varieties, coffee processing technology, improve management capacity of staff to meet the needs of sustainable development sectors to coffee.

- Strengthening vocational training for coffee farmers, particularly coffee replanting techniques, on preliminary dried cherries, coffee parchment. Training and technical workers directly operated chain processing equipment and storage facilities for coffee.

Internationnal relations

- Strengthen cooperation with other countries and international organizations on science and technology for the coffee industry: breeding, pest control, use of water-saving, harvesting, storage and processing of coffee. ..

- Promote cooperation with countries organizing fairs, the event aims to introduce Vietnam's coffee products to international partners.


- Capacity building activities of the Coordinating Board Vietnam coffee industry.

- Restructuring of state-owned enterprises, improve the competitiveness of the domestic coffee business.

- Experimental model of public private partnership in the coffee industry, such as production of coffee varieties, irrigation investments and coffee processing.


Date submitted: Oct 4, 2016

Reviewed, edited and uploaded: Oct. 11, 2016



