A Case Study of Korean Farmer’s Voluntary Participation in Greenhouse Gas Reduction Programs: Based on In-depth Interview

Jungyun Choi
Jungyun Choi
Jungyun Choi
Jungyun Choi

Amidst evident climate impacts on the Korean peninsula, the Korean government targets carbon neutrality by 2050, extending this commitment to agriculture, aiming to mitigate climate-related impacts and damages. As agriculture's role evolves from emissions source to carbon sink, its responsible role gains importance. Developing low-carbon agricultural methods and technologies becomes crucial. The Korean government backs these efforts through programs for greenhouse gas reduction facilities, energy-saving technologies, and renewable energy installations. Programs incentivizing low-carbon farming practices are also in place. Using a case study method, this paper examines government and agriculture sector efforts toward carbon neutrality, stressing ongoing technique advancements for climate mitigation. A case study on farmers engaged in greenhouse gas reduction initiatives reveals government-backed programs' pivotal role in guiding farmers towards low-carbon practices. Farmers' voluntary participation, incentivized by government policies, coupled with emission-reducing facilities and compensation, yields economic, environmental, and social benefits. Nonetheless, further efforts are needed to address policy barriers, lower technology adoption thresholds, and tailor target strategies for effective participation. Strengthening incentives throughout the agri-food value chain is also crucial. This paper emphasizes continuous policy enhancement and technology promotion for a successful shift to low-carbon agriculture and meeting national climate goals. Keywords: carbon neutrality, low-carbon agriculture, carbon reduction technology, energy-saving technology