Standards for the Inspection of Public Stock Paddy

Standards for the Inspection of Public Stock Paddy

Published: 2014.01.02
Accepted: 2014.01.02
Board Director
Taiwan Flowers Development Association

Hwang-Jaw Lee, PhD

Board Director, Taiwan Flowers Development Association


The Standards were enacted in accordance with Article 9 of the Food Administration Act. The standards were first promulgated on October 30, 1999, and then were amended three times, the lastest amendment promulgated on February 27, 2008.

For the collection of public stock, the paddy shall be produced by farmers in the current period and be circumscribed to Japonica rice and Indica rice, which are named and promoted by the central competent authority. The terms in the Standards are defined as follows:

  1. Test weight: the weight per liter
  2. Foreign matter: the matter other than the paddy itself
  3. Heat damaged kernel: the sound kernel or broken kernel damaged by microbiological heating with color changes from normal into yellow or dark yellow
  4. Sprouted kernel: the sound kernel or broken kernel sprouted, rooted or with the traces of sprouts or roots, including rotten-germ kernel (the rice of germ discoloration and rotten-germ)
  5. Damaged kernel: the sound kernel or broken kernel damaged by humidity, fungus, insects, or other reasons with obvious defects and deterioration, including fungus and insect damaged kernel (the rice damaged by disease, insects and fungus), fissure and cracked kernel (the rice of fissure endosperm), abnormal kernel (the deformed rice) and rusty kernel (the rice of rusty surface), not including heat damaged kernel
  6. Off-type kernel: the rice with different shapes
  7. Broken kernel: the rice broken. The size of a broken rice kernel shall be at least 1/4 up to 3/4 of the average length of 30 normal rice kernels
  8. Chalky kernel: over 1/2 of the rice kernels with opaque or chalky appearance
  9. Immature kernel: the immature and (or) stunted rice kernel and broken kernel

For the collection of public stock, the standards for paddy are as follows:

  1. Test weight: Japonica rice weighed up to 530 grams per liter and Indica rice weighed up to 490 grams per liter
  2. Moisture: shall not exceed 13%
  3. Foreign matter: shall not exceed 0.5%
  4. Heat damaged kernel: shall not exceed 0.5%
  5. Sprouted kernel: shall not exceed 1%
  6. Damaged kernel: shall not exceed 5%
  7. Off-type kernel: shall not exceed 5%
  8. Broken kernel: Japonica rice shall not exceed 4% and Indica rice shall not exceed 8%
  9. Chalky kernel: Japonica rice shall not exceed 7% and Indica rice shall not exceed 5%
  10. Immature kernel: shall not exceed 15%
  11. Hygiene requirements shall conform to the relevant food hygiene laws of the Republic of China
  12. The standards for inspection in Sub-paragraph 4 through Sub-paragraph 10 shall be evaluated by the brown rice that has been ground.

For specific variety groups that are named and promoted by the central competent authority, the quantity of the chalky kernels shall be standardized by other applicable quality control laws enacted by the central competent authority when it does not conform to Subparagraph 9 in paragraph 1 of the above standards.


Date submitted: December 24, 2013

Reviewed, edited and uploaded: January 2, 2014

