Min-Hsien Yang, Professor, Feng Chia University, Taiwan
I Han, Assistant Professor, Feng Chia University, Taiwan
Source: Fisheries Agency, Council of Agriculture
Feb. 23, 2015 http://www.fa.gov.tw/cht/NewsPaper/content.aspx?id=1168&chk=330b49b5-cdc3-4c33-af8c-2a5efaeff681...
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Board Director, Taiwan Flowers Development Association
Agricultural products provide the basic needs in our lives. However, harvests are frequently affected by natural or other causes so that most farmers and fishermen earn lower profits in production than do people in...
「日EU・EPAにおける品目ごとの農林水産物への影響について」(Written in Japanese) http://www.maff.go.jp/j/kanbo/eu_epa/attach/pdf/index-7.pdf accessed November 4, 2017
「日EU・EPAにおける品目ごとの農林水産物への影響について(総括表)」(Written in Japanese) http://www.maff.go.jp/j/kanbo/eu_epa/attach/pdf/index-10.pdf...
The productivity of marine fisheries resources will get a boost as 11 measures on marine hatcheries have been enacted into laws, according to Sen. Cynthia Villar.
Villar said she sponsored the 11 local bills for the establishment of multi-species marine hatcheries in various locations nationwide during the 18th Congress.
The senator, who chairs the Senate committee on agriculture and food, has pushed for these measures to be enacted into law due to the high agriculture poverty incidence in the fisheries sector.
She added that the significant reduction in the country’s fish catch has compromised the food sufficiency and income of our people.
Villar noted that the country’s fisheries sector provides an inexpensive source of animal protein for the population and livelihood for over one million Filipinos, and generates foreign exchange.
A hatchery is where fish and shellfish are spawned, hatched and cared for, according to the senator.
She explained that the fish and shellfish remain at the hatchery until they are large enough to be transferred to a farm or released into the wild as part of a stock enhancement program.
The fishing industry sectors – commercial, aquaculture and shellfish farms require a steady, predictable source of juveniles from hatcheries to remain operational and provide a consistent product.
Read more here.