Grant and Scholarship for Farmers’ and Fishermen’s Children

Grant and Scholarship for Farmers’ and Fishermen’s Children

Published: 2014.11.12
Accepted: 2014.11.12
Board Director
Taiwan Flowers Development Association

Hwang-Jaw Lee

Board Director, Taiwan Flowers Development Association


Agricultural products provide the basic needs in our lives. However, harvests are frequently affected by natural or other causes so that most farmers and fishermen earn lower profits in production than do people in other businesses. To provide better welfare for farmers and fishermen to ensure their worry-free livelihood , the government continues to establish a good management mechanism and provide welfare to farmers. The Council of Agriculture has offered farmers various kinds of benefits through providing good agricultural infrastructures, agricultural development , production and marketing programs. The Farmers Service Department, Council of Agriculture, established its Farmers Welfare Section in January 2004. This unit specializes in planning farmers’ welfare policies and programs in order to maintain the living standards of the farmers and provide economic security. Grant and scholarship plan for farmers’ and fishermen’s children is one of the welfare programs. .

The Council of Agriculture implemented “Regulations of Applying Scholarship and Grants for Dependent Children in Farmers’ and Fishermen’s Families” so that the dependent children can have the access to secondary or college education without worry of financial factors. Currently, each dependent child of farmers or fisherman studying in public secondary school is subsidized NT$3,000 per semester (included the first 3 years for those in junior college). For those studying in private secondary school, each is subsidized NT$5,000 per semester (including the last 2 years of junior college). For public college school students, each individual is subsidized NT$5,000 per semester. Those who study in private universities/colleges are subsidized NT$10,000 each per semester.

Application Requirement: (1) Applicants must be the beneficiary under farmers’ insurance, legal membership of farmers’ association, or regular member of fishermen association.  (2) The applicant and his/her spouse should have the combined income under NT$ 1,140,000 annually in the previous year.  (3) Those who have never applied any exemption of Tuition and Miscellaneous Fees Exemption or any other types of subsidies.  (4) The applicants must have their dependent children currently enrolled in domestic secondary schools or college institutes. However, those in on-job education courses, periodic transferred cooperative education, weekend courses, credit courses, state financed students, graduation delayed students, graduate school students or aged 25 and above are not qualified for the subsidies.  (5) The dependent children of the applicants must have an average grade of 70 points or above in overall academic and conduct performance for the previous semester.

To apply for this scholarship and grant, applicants must fill out an application form with the relevant documents and apply in the fishermen/farmers association located in the applicants’ registered residence. Valid application period: Mar 1 to Mar 31 and Sept 16 to Oct 15. No late application will be accepted.

(Data Sources: Council of Agriculture)


Date submitted: Nov. 10, 2014

Reviewed, edited and uploaded: Nov. 12, 2014

