When pork imports increase sharply, the Japanese government is geared to implement a special measure for protecting domestic pork producers. This urgent and temporary measure is called a “safeguard.” In the ongoing Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade negotiations, the Japanese...
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Akihiko Hirasawa
Norinchukin Research Institute co., ltd
1-1-12, Uchikanda, Chiyoda-ku
Tokyo 101-0047 Japan
Land resource endowment, which is similar among monsoon Asian countries, and income levels are the main causes of...
Song Soo Lim
Dept. of Food and Resource Economics, Korea University, Seoul, Korea
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The United States Trade Representative and Taiwan have announced the two countries have reached a consensus on the negotiating mandate for the U.S.-Taiwan Initiative on 21st-Century Trade. The negotiating mandate sets out the broad objectives of the two countries.
The focus of the negotiations will include trade facilitation, good regulatory practices, anticorruption, agriculture, digital trade, enhancing trade between small and medium enterprises, non-market policies and practices, labor, and environment.
The mandate's section on agricultural trade states: "The United States and Taiwan will seek to adopt provisions to facilitate agricultural trade through science-and-risk-based decision making and the adoption of sound, transparent regulatory practices. The two sides will also seek to adopt provisions to support collaborative and cooperative mechanisms on food security and on the use of production practices, including new and innovative technologies, that increase agricultural productivity while decreasing land, water and fuel use and help contribute to climate adaptation and resiliency."
According to USDA's Foreign Agricultural Service, Taiwan in 2021 was the seventh largest export market for U.S. agriculture at $3.9 billion. The top U.S. agricultural exports were soybeans, beef and beef products, corn, wheat, fresh fruit, food preparations, poultry meat and products (excluding eggs), and dairy products.
Read more here.