First batch of Taiwan guavas shipped to US hailed as milestone


Taiwan has become the only Asian country allowed to export guavas to the U.S., with the first batch of the tropical fruit being shipped out on Friday (Dec. 27).

The batch contains 18,000 kilograms of guavas, according to Tainan Mayor Huang Wei-cher (黃偉哲), who attended a ceremony marking the milestone shipment at an export packaging facility in the southern Taiwan municipality, reported UDN. Taiwan’s agriculture authorities had expressed hope that the first consignment could be delivered to the U.S. by the end of the year after it received the green light in October.

Currently, most guavas available in the U.S. are imported from Mexico, whose guavas Huang said are "no rival to the ones cultivated in Taiwan.” Guavas grown in Taiwan are celebrated for their sweetness, crunchiness, and high nutritional value and can be eaten raw or made into juice, the mayor said.

Read more here.


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