The Promotion and Industrial Benefits of Smart Agriculture in Taiwan

Wang Shyh-Shyan, Tang Wei-Chen, Yu Shu-Ting, Chiu Hsiu-Ling
Wang Shyh-Shyan, Tang Wei-Chen, Yu Shu-Ting, Chiu Hsiu-Ling

Facing the dramatic shortages in manpower and the global agricultural issues which impacted on agricultural productivity, the Council of Agriculture (COA) has been promoting the "Smart Agriculture Program" since 2017 to 2022 for developing agriculture by researching and introducing innovative technologies and equipment. The promotion of the Smart Agriculture Program integrated interdisciplinary professional talents of information and communication technology (ICT) industry for agricultural transformation and selected 10 primary industries as main targets for promotion: orchids, seedlings, mushrooms, rice, agricultural facilities, major export crops, marine fishery, aquaculture, poultry and livestock industries. The program aims to draw up R&D course according to each industry’s needs through the two principal frameworks of “smart production” and “digital service.”  It is divided into four dimensions: (1) facility design; (2) field management; (3) production and marketing deployment; and (4) consumer services, forming a loop system of sensing, monitoring, decision-making and automatic feedback. Farmers will be able to select suitable tools that can help them manage with smart tech according to their particular needs.  The Smart Agriculture Program has accumulated substantial research results, and the promotion of smart agriculture in one industry from each of the three sectors of crops, fishery, and animal industry is introduced. With the help of smart technologies, digitized production is practiced, and various technologies of monitoring, management and analysis are available to apply precise fertilization and pesticides, so as to achieve efficiency in the use of materials and the quality of agricultural products and environmental friendliness.  In terms of production value of the industry, the promotion of smart agriculture has encouraged the farmers to accept the new technologies and to engage in industrial transformation and upgrading to realize the vision of efficiency, safety, and low risk.  Moving towards the next phase of smart agriculture, in the pursuit of intelligent production and digitized production and marketing, the focus needs to be on the accurate and effective integration, the use of labor-saving technological products, and the promotion of popular application of achievement results through the ecosystem and agricultural service mechanism.

Keywords: smart agriculture, smart production, digital service, artificial intelligence, human-machine collaborative device, common information platform, Internet of Things(IoT), big data, expert system