Technology Transfer in the Agriculture Sector: Implementation Experiences of WeRise in Indonesia and the Philippines

Iris D. Bugayong, Keiichi Hayashi, Ma. Excelsis M. Orden, Lizzida Llorca, Nurwulan Agustiani, Lia Hadiawati, Idri Hastuty Siregar, Fennie Lyn A. Pantin

The Weather-rice-nutrient integrated decision support system (WeRise) is a web-based app aimed at improving productivity and livelihoods in rainfed rice areas. It provides advisories on optimum sowing and fertilizer application timings using suitable varieties. It was developed by the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI)-Japan collaborative research project (IJCRP) and IRRI-Philippine Rice Research Institute (PhilRice)-Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences (JIRCAS) collaborative research project (IPJCRP) with funding from the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan and JIRCAS. The IJCRP and IPJCRP ended in December 2020 and March 2021, respectively. Research institutions may lack the mandate to monitor research investments and assess the impact of projects after they end. However, funding agencies expect them to target and achieve development-oriented impact goals (Douthwaite et al. 2017). Technology transfer pathways (TTPs) can facilitate impact by enabling systematic transitions and gaining the commitment of transfer recipients on project sustainability. Using the cases of WeRise technology transfer in Indonesia and the Philippines, we map the processes in developing the TTPs and discuss technology transfer implementation experiences and lessons learned. Understanding the local context, early and consistent stakeholder engagement, partnership building, flexibility and responsiveness, and a communication plan were important in implementing the WeRise technology transfer.

Keywords: WeRise, technology transfer, rainfed rice, digital agriculture