Hwang-Jaw Lee, PhD
Board Director, Taiwan Flowers Development Association

The Logo of Certified Agricultural Standards (CAS) represents the certification for the Taiwan premium domestic agricultural produce and their processed products. According to the principles of “Quality Agriculture” and “Safety Agriculture”, the Council of Agriculture (COA) has started promoting CAS logo since 1989. Moreover, in 2004 COA reviewed and published “The Logo of Premium Agricultural Product Certification and Validation Procedure” in order to integrate the various logos and labels of domestic agricultural products. Since then, CAS has been recognized as a unified logo and it has commonly been accepted and trusted by the citizens of Taiwan. As a matter of fact, CAS logo has progressively become the byword for the premium domestic agricultural products because CAS labeled products consist of these unique characteristics including: 1. Using mainly locally produced raw materials. 2. Meeting healthy and safety requirements. 3. Meeting national quality standards. 4. Meeting label regulations.
The main purpose for COA to promote CAS logo is to upgrade the quality and to add value of domestic agricultural, aquacultural, animal and forestry produce and their processed products. Accordingly, these not only guarantee the mutual interests for producers and consumers, but also make it possible to differentiate products from the imported ones. Through the activities of promotion and publicity, the general populace has already built an excellent image of the CAS labeled products and are encouraged to further consume these products. In this connection, the competitiveness of these domestic products is increasingly going to strengthen.
Presently , there are a total of 15 major CAS certified categories including meat, frozen foods, fruit and vegetable juice, quality rice, preserved fruits and vegetables, ready-to-serve meals, refrigerated foods, fresh edible mushrooms, fermented foods, snack foods, egg products, minimum processed fruits and vegetables, aquaculture, forestry products and fresh milk etc.
The COA jointly with scholars and experts from CAS certification organizations, including Taiwan Premium Agricultural Products Development Institute, National Animal Industry Foundation, Food Industry Research and Development Institute, and Industrial Technology Research Institute, diligently monitors and supervises each CAS certified manufacturer’s processing procedures, facilities, raw materials, production management system, quality and hygiene control of products all-year long. They also do sample examination in sale channels and market stores in order to assure the citizens of healthy and safe foods.
(Data Source: CAS Website)
Date submitted: December 22, 2013
Reviewed, edited and uploaded: December 31, 2013
CAS – Taiwan Premium Agricultural Products
Hwang-Jaw Lee, PhD
Board Director, Taiwan Flowers Development Association
The Logo of Certified Agricultural Standards (CAS) represents the certification for the Taiwan premium domestic agricultural produce and their processed products. According to the principles of “Quality Agriculture” and “Safety Agriculture”, the Council of Agriculture (COA) has started promoting CAS logo since 1989. Moreover, in 2004 COA reviewed and published “The Logo of Premium Agricultural Product Certification and Validation Procedure” in order to integrate the various logos and labels of domestic agricultural products. Since then, CAS has been recognized as a unified logo and it has commonly been accepted and trusted by the citizens of Taiwan. As a matter of fact, CAS logo has progressively become the byword for the premium domestic agricultural products because CAS labeled products consist of these unique characteristics including: 1. Using mainly locally produced raw materials. 2. Meeting healthy and safety requirements. 3. Meeting national quality standards. 4. Meeting label regulations.
The main purpose for COA to promote CAS logo is to upgrade the quality and to add value of domestic agricultural, aquacultural, animal and forestry produce and their processed products. Accordingly, these not only guarantee the mutual interests for producers and consumers, but also make it possible to differentiate products from the imported ones. Through the activities of promotion and publicity, the general populace has already built an excellent image of the CAS labeled products and are encouraged to further consume these products. In this connection, the competitiveness of these domestic products is increasingly going to strengthen.
Presently , there are a total of 15 major CAS certified categories including meat, frozen foods, fruit and vegetable juice, quality rice, preserved fruits and vegetables, ready-to-serve meals, refrigerated foods, fresh edible mushrooms, fermented foods, snack foods, egg products, minimum processed fruits and vegetables, aquaculture, forestry products and fresh milk etc.
The COA jointly with scholars and experts from CAS certification organizations, including Taiwan Premium Agricultural Products Development Institute, National Animal Industry Foundation, Food Industry Research and Development Institute, and Industrial Technology Research Institute, diligently monitors and supervises each CAS certified manufacturer’s processing procedures, facilities, raw materials, production management system, quality and hygiene control of products all-year long. They also do sample examination in sale channels and market stores in order to assure the citizens of healthy and safe foods.
(Data Source: CAS Website)
Date submitted: December 22, 2013
Reviewed, edited and uploaded: December 31, 2013