Strengthening Pesticide Management to Safeguard Agro-product Quality and Safety

Strengthening Pesticide Management to Safeguard Agro-product Quality and Safety

Published: 2016.04.19
Accepted: 2016.04.19
Assistant Professor
School of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, Renmin University of China


Since 2013, the Ministry of Agriculture has continued to promote the supervision of pesticide and legal system building. It prioritized the supervision of pesticides, innovated the market supervision, scandalized the pesticide sales, improved the pesticide quality, and secured the agro-products quality.

First, to enhance the pesticide market spot inspection and raise its effectiveness, the Ministry has in implemented 201 random and designated inspections on vegetables, fruit trees, tea trees, rice, wheat, corn, cotton and soybean pesticides. The inspected examples included 4,488 pesticides and 4,524 brands, with a passing percentage reaching 85.0% and 75.9% respectively. Meanwhile, the Ministry has conducted specific spot inspection on 61 pesticide producers, of which 139 examples have been inspected with passing percentage reaching 85.6%. Based on inspection result and relative laws, four companies that seriously violated laws have been revoked of their licenses, which combated the pesticide counterfeiting activities.

Second, to enhance high-toxic pesticide management. Since 2013 the Ministry has with relative departments eliminated a bunch of high-toxic pesticide breeds such as methamidophos. Now the country has banned the production, sale, and usage of 33 high-toxic and high-risk pesticides. In 2013, the No.2032 bulletin notice was issued, saying to grandly eliminate five pesticides of chlorsulfuron, metsulfurn methyl, ethametsulfuron-methyl, asomate and urbacid.  Meanwhile, fixed point operations and real-name system for purchase of high-toxic pesticides have been pushed forward. In 2013, over 800 counties have implemented fixed point operations and sale of 200 high-toxic pesticides.

Third, to implement low-toxic pesticide popularization. In 2013 the Ministry has continued to implement low-toxic pesticide subsidy popularization project, which achieved 2,400 hectares in 11 counties of 10 provinces. The basic knowledge of low-toxic pesticides has been publicized through price subsidy, exemplification, on-site demonstration, technical training, TV and radio. All of these means have encouraged the farmers to use low-toxic pesticides and promoted the quality of agricultural goods. Meanwhile, local governments have also explored the management mechanism of pesticide residues. Efforts have been made to recycle the pesticide package leftover and protect the field environment.

Fourth, to improve the standardization system of pesticide residues. The maximum pesticide residues standard has been established based on the revision, transfer of CAC standard and cleansing of GB 2763-2012, which had been implemented since March 1, 2013. The new standard has included 3,650 standard on 387 pesticide, an increase of 1357 than 2012, which almost covers the maximum residue standard of confirmed pesticide and major agro-products.

Fifth, to enhance pesticide registration management. Efforts have been made to carry out pesticide registration accountability. In 2013, there have been 22,074 pesticide registration cases finished, of which 20,784 have been approved, 2,950 registered, 2,578 agreed, 794 temporarily registered, 549 agreed, 85 classified, 74 agreed, 12,324 extended, 12,069 approved, field effect 5,921, 5,514 approved. The pilot project of the ministry-province pesticide registration has been continually pushed forward, which has organized the companies to test the registered pesticide and relieve the lack of small crops’ pesticide.


Date submitted: April 15, 2016

Reviewed, edited and uploaded: April 19, 2016

