Main Point of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries’ Biodiversity Strategy Review

Main Point of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries’ Biodiversity Strategy Review

Published: 2015.12.23
Accepted: 2015.12.23
Associate Professor
Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University Japan

Based on the outcomes of the COP 10, the MAFF reviews the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Biodiversity Strategy (established in July 2007), and promotes initiatives related to biodiversity in agriculture, forestry and fisheries.

The background Strategy Review

Domestic trends

  • General interest to biodiversity growing → Biodiversity Basic Law (June 2008) and the enactment of Biodiversity Regional Cooperation Promotion Act (December 2010)
  • March 11, 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake.

International trends

In October 2010, COP10 and MOP5 was held in Nagoya

  • Passed the resolutions such as "Nagoya Protocol", "Strategic Plan 2011-2020, Aichi target" on the use and benefit sharing of genetic resources and "Biodiversity of Agriculture " that touched on the importance of rice paddies as wetland, "Nagoya-Kuala Lumpur Supplementary Protocol" which takes up on the responsibility and relief of the Cartagena Protocol.
  • Publication of The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity or TEEB the recognition of the importance of the economic evaluation of activities related to biodiversity, including agriculture, forestry and fisheries.

Point of the Review

  • Sustainable agriculture that emphasized on the importance of biodiversity, and also further promotion of revitalization of rural communities to support sustainable agriculture
  • Promotion of the measures based on the resolution of COP10, such as "Strategic Plan 2011-2020, Aichi target" and "Biodiversity of Agriculture"
  • Embarked on a study for the economic evaluation of the role of agriculture, forestry and fisheries in relation to biodiversity
  • Contribution to biodiversity through reconstruction of sustainable agriculture, forestry and fisheries in the extensively damaged areas affected by the Earthquake of 2011

-    Conservation of countryside, satochi-satoyama (communal land and communal mountain areas).

  1. Direct support for farming activities which effectively enhance biodiversity conservation by the Agri-environmental direct payment since 2011
  2. Promotion of activities by various stakeholders to support biodiversity conservation supported by the Biodiversity Regional Cooperation Promotion Act (enacted October 1, 2011).

-       Conservation of forests

  1. Promotion of  appropriate thinning  and a variety of forest development based on the Forest and Forestry Basic Plan (established in July 2011)
  2. Promotion of the conservation and management of forests with excellent natural environment.
  3. Promotion of the forest management which adapts the uncertainty of the forest ecosystem (implementation of the monitoring of forest ecosystems)

-    Conservation of Satoumi (communal resource near the shore) and Ocean

  1. Promotion of resource management efforts that implement regulations such as temporary halt of fishing, fishing gears, and fishing methods.
  2. Promotion of the management and arrangement of marine protected areas for biodiversity conservation and sustainable use under the resource management and fishing income compensation measures.
  3. Maintenance of the fishing place that promotes the production capacity of overall ecosystems.
  • Contribution to the global environmental protection in agriculture, forestry and fisheries: Participation in international discussions on biodiversity such as IPBES (Intergovernmental science-policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services)
  • Assessment of Biodiversity of agriculture, forestry and fisheries: Development of biodiversity indicators of agriculture, forestry and fisheries. Consideration of the economic valuation of biodiversity in agriculture, forestry and fisheries sector.
  • Reconstruction from Great East Japan Earthquake and biodiversity: Reconstruction of farmland, forest, and fisheries as well as reconstruction of sustainable agriculture, forestry and fisheries.

Date submitted: Dec. 21, 2015

Reviewed, edited and uploaded: Dec. 23, 2015

