Korea: Searing heat inflicts growing damage on agricultural, livestock, fish farms


With a searing heat wave scorching South Korea for nearly two weeks, heat damage to agricultural, livestock and fish farmers has been snowballing nationwide, officials said Friday.

Seoul and almost all parts of the country have been gripped by a prolonged heat wave that sent daytime highs above 35 C, caused the tropical night phenomenon and affected the vitality of all living things.

According to local government officials and farmers, temperature-related agricultural, livestock and fisheries damage, such as withered crop leaves, overripe fruits and massive perishing of livestock and marine animals, is spreading in many areas.

This month alone, some 220,000 livestock animals died, unable to withstand the sweltering heat, they said. The ongoing spread of green algae in reservoirs and lakes and signs of red tides in the sea are also raising concern about major damage to the aquaculture sector.

Read more here.


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