Policy-Related News

On March 25, 2015, the Korean Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (MAFRA) and Ministry of Health and Welfare (MHW) announced that government is scheduled to provide new small package 10kg rice to low income one-person household for free every month starting April 1, 2015. It is...
The Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) has officially released the new Strategic Plan of 2015-2019.  The document will serve as an umbrela for formulating policy and programs for all work units within MoA and other stakeholders.   Sources:  Press release of the Ministry of...
A US$ 50/ton of exported CPO will be used to finance palm oil development (CPO Supporting Fund, CSF).  The fund will be managed by a special authority which is currently under assessment by the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs of Indonesia. Source: Press release of the Coordinating...
The current real estate market in Taiwan has turned its spotlight to the farmland sector. Expected superior return encourages more and more speculated investments in farmlands and farmhouses everywhere in Taiwan. Unfortunately, many of so-call ”farmhouses” are actually luxury holiday...
Agriculture and Food Agency will conduct joint inspections on rice products in Taiwan twice a year. The candidate firms will be randomly selected to get inspections in order to ensure food safety and quality for the Taiwanese people.   (Research and summarized by Dr. Ming-Hsin Yang)  
“The Malaysian government will continue to focus on efforts to intensify the involvement of women in the job market and entrepreneurial activities. Women now represent only 38% of the total workforce in the country. Therefore, to enhance the contribution of women in national development,...
Malaysia will implement the Goods and Services Tax (GST) on 1 April 2015. GST is a multiple tax on domestic consumption. GST is charged on all taxable supplies of goods and services in Malaysia except those specifically exempted. GST is also charged on importation of goods and services into...
The "No. 1 Central Document" of 2015 was released on Sunday, Feb. 1 by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council pointed out that the countryside is a weak link in China's striving for the rule of law.  As China's agricultural and rural...
