Policy-Related News

Taiwan's Council of Agriculture (COA) has established a pet management division, which will be responsible for the regulation of the pet industry, as well as pet ownership and welfare, the COA announced on Sunday. At a press conference in Taipei, COA Minister Chen Chi-chung (陳吉仲) noted that...
Demand for beef may be strong, but increasingly consumers say they are concerned about the carbon footprint of livestock production. Now, consumers who seek beef products with a lower carbon footprint may soon have more options. Low Carbon Beef, LLC, a cattle certification program that enables...
Anxious Indian buyers, with no clarity on sunflower oil shipments out of Ukraine, are turning to crude palm oil from Malaysia to fulfill demand ahead of month-long Ramadan which starts in early April, industry sources told S&P Global Platts. Last month, 500,000 mt of sunflower oil was...
Indonesia and Switzerland’s commitment to sustainable economic and trade cooperation has started since the rising issue from cocoa to sustainable Indonesian palm oil. Through the cooperation, both countries discussed Indonesia’s strategic content in managing palm oil in the amidst of Indonesia’s...
India will face extreme scenarios emerging from climate change on almost all fronts — from rising sea levels to groundwater scarcity, from extreme weather patterns to a fall in crop production, besides a rise in health hazards. The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)...
The Department of Agriculture (DA) is set to implement adjustments on the country's food security programs to cushion the impact of global economic challenges and Russia-Ukraine crisis in the Philippines. Agriculture Secretary William Dar lauded the immediate and resolute approval by President...
Green jujubes grown in Kaohsiung are scheduled to hit shelves of supermarkets in France Wednesday as part of the city's efforts to introduce the fruit to consumers in Europe, the Agriculture Bureau of the Kaohsiung City Government said Tuesday. Kaohsiung green jujubes are already sold in Japan,...
The Health Department has supported crocodile meat as a potential alternative to increasingly expensive pork. Crocodile meat contains lots of protein but must be properly cooked to avoid bacterial contamination, department director-general Dr Suwannachai Wattanayingcharoenchai said. Despite...
