Policy-Related News

The Malaysian government has decided to implement the Undocumented Migrants Recalibration Plan to legalise illegal foreign workers from 15 countries, including Cambodia. These workers may continue to work in the construction, industry and agriculture sectors in Malaysia. According to a statement...
Indonesia’s dwindling forests may be cleared for farmland under a government-led program to boost domestic food production, raising fears of a surge in deforestation. The government’s “food estate” program calls for establishing millions of hectares of new farmland, mostly for rice and other...
In this skyscraper-studded nation of nearly six million people, all the farmland combined adds up to about 500 acres—an area roughly the size of a single American farm. That explains why more than 90% of the city-state’s food comes from abroad, a feat of globalization that plays out every day as...
Global seafood processors are facing pressure to clean up their supply chains, after the U.S. Department of Labor added fish caught in Taiwanese waters to its list of goods produced with forced labor, throwing the island's large seafood industry into turmoil. The designation could lead to U.S....
Eat Just Inc., a maker of meat and egg substitutes, has been approved to sell its laboratory-created chicken in Singapore, which becomes the first government to allow the sale of cultured meat. The product, created from animal cells without the slaughter of any chickens, will debut in Singapore...
The United States suspended $817 million in trade preferences granted to Thailand “based on its lack of sufficient progress [in] providing the United States with equitable and reasonable market access for pork products,” said the Office of the U.S. trade representative on Sunday. Trade...
In 2011, Japan experienced a 9.0 earthquake off its coast, which triggered a tsunami. The tsunami caused extensive damage, including one major accident that occurred at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. Consequently, a cooling failure occurred when the plant’s reactors were supposed to...
The EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA) is likened to a "highway" leading Vietnamese goods, including agricultural products, to the large and potential EU market quickly and effectively. However, to go on that "highway", Vietnam is suggested to prepare a "vehicle" that satisfies the European...
