EU struggles to secure another New Zealand-style trade deal


The EU-New Zealand Free Trade Agreement (FTA) officially entered into force on 1 May. The pact has put an end to a four-year trade drought, since Vietnam’s agreement in 2020, and the European Commission considers it a blueprint for future FTAs.

FTAs in the EU have never been a smooth ride. The first “new generation” trade agreement with Canada has had a long and troubled story and the one with Singapore required clarification from the EU Court before getting the green light.

The previous European Commission clinched provisional deals with heavyweights like Japan, Mexico, and the Mercosur bloc, formed by Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, and Paraguay. 

But the EU’s pact with New Zealand is one of a kind, and it is considered a darling by the current Commission as it – more than all the others – embodies the idea of “sustainable trade”.

The agreement is the first to wield potential sanctions for breaches of environmental or labour commitments, a measure that also aims to address European farmers’ long-standing call for “reciprocity” in production standards.

Read more here.


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