'Safe and delicious': Japan's PM eats Fukushima fish to dispel worries after water release


Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida and three Cabinet ministers enjoyed sashimi fished off the coast of Fukushima at a lunch meeting on Wednesday, in an apparent effort to dispel safety concerns following the release of treated radioactive wastewater from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant.

According to Economy and Industry Minister Yasutoshi Nishimura, who was at the lunch meeting, Kishida and the three lawmakers sat down to a spread of flounder, octopus and seabass as well as boiled pork, fruits and various vegetables in the leader's office.

"We eat in support of the Sanriku Joban region. All seafood items from Sanriku Joban are full of appeal," Kishida told reporters who were invited to film the meal.

This region forms part of Japan's northern Pacific shoreline, including Fukushima.

The projected decades-long release of treated water has been strongly opposed by fishing groups and criticised by neighbouring countries.

China immediately banned imports of seafood from Japan in response.

In Seoul, thousands of South Koreans rallied over the weekend to condemn the release, demanding Japan keep it in tanks.

Read more here.


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