Thailand to Create 4,000 Acre Medicinal Herbs Plantation


Thailand’s Agricultural Ministry has announced plans to turn 4000 acres of land in three provinces into medicinal herb plantations growing cannabis, hemp and green chiretta (fa talai jone), under a project to develop and add value to Thai agricultural products to the eastern seaboard of Thailand.

According to the Agricultural Ministry green chiretta (Fa talai jone) is a medicinal herb currently in the spotlight because its ability to treat illness caused by Covid-19, while cannabidiol, or CBD, extracted from cannabis can be applied to treat numerous ailments.

Hemp extracts can be turned into cosmetic ingredients and its fibre can be used for weaving cloth and making paper.

The three herbs are being promoted under a memorandum of understanding (MoU) signed on Tuesday between the Agricultural Land Reform Office (Alro) and the Eastern Economic Corridor Office (EECO).

“The government believes Thai medicinal herbs will become new economic crops for export. They will drive forward the domestic economy and increase Thai farmers’ incomes,” said deputy agriculture minister Thamanat Prompow, who presided over the online MoU signing ceremony.

Read more here.


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