Korean government makes an effort to have Korean Food Culture added to UNESCO’s list


The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (MAFRA) recently announced that it will work for the addition of Korean food culture to UNESCO by collaborating with the Ministry of Culture, the Sports and Tourism (MCST) with participation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Cultural Heritage Administration, the Korean Food Foundation and the UNESCO Korea Committee. The purpose is to help Korean food and food culture become popular with people around the world.

(Researched and summarized by Dr. Jeong-bin Im)

Source: http://english.mafra.go.kr/eng/list.jsp?id=30225&pageNo=1&NOW_YEAR=2016&group_id=1001&menu_id=1020&link_menu_id=1020&division=B&board_kind=G&board_skin_id=G1&parent_code=1001&link_url=&depth=1&code=&link_target_yn=&menu_introduction=&menu_name=&popup_yn=&reference=&tab_yn=N
