Over 10 shrimp and crayfish farms in Taiwan report cases of mysterious virus from China


More than 10 shrimp and crayfish hatcheries across Taiwan have reported cases of a mysterious new virus from China, resulting in tens of thousands of the crustaceans being culled under the supervision of the Council of Agriculture (COA).

The COA said Wednesday (June 17) that a deadly new virus known as decapod iridescent virus 1 (DIV1) has wreaked havoc on China's shrimp farming industry recently and that it has now spread to Taiwan. Out of the 30 shrimp and crayfish farms where testing has been carried out, more than 10 have been found to have infected crops.

In late April, Japanese media reported that an unknown iridescent virus had re-emerged in China's Guangdong province after being first detected in Fujian province in 2014. Reports pointed out that DIV1 could infect shrimps at all stages of growth and had a mortality rate of 80 percent, according to ETtoday.

Read more here.


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