Summary of the 2016 fiscal year budget:Japanese Agricultural Direct Payment [76,960 (79,859–2015 fiscal year budget) yen (Millions)]

Summary of the 2016 fiscal year budget:Japanese Agricultural Direct Payment [76,960 (79,859–2015 fiscal year budget) yen (Millions)]

Published: 2016.09.05
Accepted: 2016.08.25
Associate Professor
Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University Japan

Point of measures
In order to maintain and give the full scope of the multifunctionality of agriculture and rural areas, we support joint activities of the region, agricultural production activities in the mountainous region, and the agricultural production activities that contribute to the conservation of the natural environment.
Background issues
Agriculture and rural areas have multifunctionality of agriculture such as land conservation, water conservation, nature conservation, and landscape formation, and the benefits have been enjoyed widely by the entire nation.
However, in recent years, as the aging of the rural areas as well as population decline, the multifunctionality that is supported by the joint activities of the region also faces threat.
In addition, due to the fact that it is becoming more difficult for the community to conduct joint farming activities in the region, the increased burden of maintenance and management of local resources such as waterways and farm roads on leaders might inhibit or become a hurdle for scaling-up of farmlands.
For this reason, on the basis of the "Law on the Promotion of Fulfillment of Multifunctional Roles of Agriculture", support for community activities and continuation of farming enhance multifunctionality of agriculture and rural areas. Also it is equally necessary to support the structural reform such as training of the farmer leaders.
Policy objectives
Joint activities of the region, agricultural production activities in the hilly and mountainous areas, steady promotion of activities towards enhancement of the multifunctionality of agriculture and rural areas a result of agricultural production activities that contribute to the conservation of the natural environment
Main contents
1. Multifunctionality payment grant 48,251 (48,251) million yen
(1) Agricultural land maintenance payment
We support basic conservation activities of local resources, such as mud-up of the waterways and road maintenance of farm roads, expanding and strengthening the system that correspond structural change of the rural areas, the joint community activities that enhance multifunctionality.
Subsidy rate: fixed amount (field of prefectures: 3,000 yen / 10a, etc.)
Project implementation entity: organization organized by farmers
(2) Resources improvement payment
We support joint activities by the organization including the local residents that improve the quality of local resources and prolong the life of facility through a good preservation of the rural environment, such as the minor repair to waterways or farm roads, and landscape formation by planting. 
Subsidy rate: joint activities improve the quality of the field (regional resources (prefecture rice fields): 2,400 yen / 10a, etc.
Field of prefectures (activities for the long life of the facility): 4,400 yen / 10a, etc.)
Project implementation entity: organization organized by farmers
2. Direct payments grant for the hilly and mountainous areas 26,300 (29,000) million yen
We support activities that maintain the agricultural production activities to complement the disadvantage of the agricultural production conditions in the hilly and mountainous areas. 
In the fourth term measures (2015 to 2019 in fiscal term), we strengthen the support of boosting securing settlement of the new human resources and developing the activity system in cooperation among communities. We also support the conservation and utilization of agricultural lands under severe conditions like disadvantaged ultra-steep slope areas.
Subsidy rate: the fixed rate (rice paddy field (steep slope): 21,000 yen / 10a, other field (steep slope): 11,500 yen / 10a, etc.)
Project implementation subject: organization organized by farmers
3. Environmental conservation type agriculture direct payment grant 2,410 (2,609) million yen
We support highly effective agricultural activities to prevent of global warming and biodiversity conservation in conjunction with farmers’ collaborative efforts to reduce the chemical fertilizers and chemical synthetic pesticides implemented at 50%.
Subsidy rate: the straight-line (green manure cropping: 8,000 yen / 10a, etc.)
Project implementation subject: organization organized by farmers
The 1st grant: Rural Development Bureau farmland resources Division (03-6744-2447)
The 2nd grant Rural Promotion Bureau Regional Development Division (03-3501-8359)
The 3rd grant Production Stations Agricultural Environmental Measures Division (03-6744-0499)

[1] If you would like to read the original paper in Japanese, please refer to the website:  (

