New Zealand: New survey measures recreational fishing


A Fisheries New Zealand national survey of recreational fishing has confirmed the ongoing importance of recreational fishing.

The National Panel Survey – which is conducted every 5 to 6 years – provides a snapshot of recreational fishing activity around the country, says Fisheries New Zealand director of fisheries management, Stuart Anderson.

"This is added to a wide range of other information to help us understand what is happening in our fisheries and inform our decision making over the next few years.

"One of the top-line results was confirmation of the ongoing popularity of recreational fishing. We estimate that 14 percent of the country's population over the age of 15 years went fishing at least once during 2017-2018.

"We also found that recreational fishers catch a large proportion of key recreational fish species such as snapper, kahawai, blue cod, and kingfish. There's been little change in the proportion of these fish caught by recreational and commercial fishers since 2012.


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