Bio Asia Taiwan highlights full use of agriculture products
At Bio Asia Taiwan Thursday (July 25), I-Mei Biomedicine (義美生醫) and I-Mei Macrobiotics (義美生機) presented their concept of making full use of agricultural produce, based on the premise that food and medicine share the same origin.
All ingredients for their products originate within Taiwan, whether it is the eggs or the sesame, extracting every valuable part, company managers said at the July 24-28 event at the Nangang Exhibition Hall in Taipei City.
An example of the companies’ environmentally friendly processes was the use of eggshells, which other producers usually discard after they use the rest of the egg to make cakes, biscuits and puff cakes.
However, 91 to 95 percent of the eggshells can be turned into calcium citrate, while the eggshell membranes occupying between 0.3 and 0.5 percent can also be used as powder.
The same thorough usage of prime materials was also in evidence for sesame. After extracting the sesamin, it was still possible to use other elements to produce “sesame proteins” and “sesame fiber,” managers said.
Few companies are willing to invest in the necessary research and development to promote as they would prefer to import them, but I-Mei Biomedicine and I-Mei Macrobiotics said they believed in the full usage of local agricultural products.
I-Mei Foods Co. (義美食品), founded in 1934, has always insisted that food is a business by honest people. In recent years, it has entered the world of biotechnology, founding I-Mei Biomedicine and I-Mei Macrobiotics to develop ingredients and products based on the principle that food and medicine share the same origin.
In addition, it also invested in a food R&D laboratory in order to find more valuable healthy elements in common foods.
At Bio Asia Taiwan Thursday (July 25), I-Mei Biomedicine (義美生醫) and I-Mei Macrobiotics (義美生機) presented their concept of making full use of agricultural produce, based on the premise that food and medicine share the same origin.
All ingredients for their products originate within Taiwan, whether it is the eggs or the sesame, extracting every valuable part, company managers said at the July 24-28 event at the Nangang Exhibition Hall in Taipei City.
An example of the companies’ environmentally friendly processes was the use of eggshells, which other producers usually discard after they use the rest of the egg to make cakes, biscuits and puff cakes.
However, 91 to 95 percent of the eggshells can be turned into calcium citrate, while the eggshell membranes occupying between 0.3 and 0.5 percent can also be used as powder.
The same thorough usage of prime materials was also in evidence for sesame. After extracting the sesamin, it was still possible to use other elements to produce “sesame proteins” and “sesame fiber,” managers said.
Few companies are willing to invest in the necessary research and development to promote as they would prefer to import them, but I-Mei Biomedicine and I-Mei Macrobiotics said they believed in the full usage of local agricultural products.
I-Mei Foods Co. (義美食品), founded in 1934, has always insisted that food is a business by honest people. In recent years, it has entered the world of biotechnology, founding I-Mei Biomedicine and I-Mei Macrobiotics to develop ingredients and products based on the principle that food and medicine share the same origin.
In addition, it also invested in a food R&D laboratory in order to find more valuable healthy elements in common foods.
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