Policy-Related News

Thailand’s Geo-Informatics and Space Technology Development Agency (GISTDA) projected that the weather pattern for this year which has late rainfall and below average amount will continue for the next two years, 2017. According to their forecast, the Northern and Western Region where the...
By: Nur Aida Mohd Padzil, Corporate Communication, International and Quality Division, MARDI  Scientia MARDI - Vol. 006 - September 2015 The International Seminar on Cultivating Young Generation of Farmers with armland Policy Implication was successfully held in MARDI Serdang from May 26...
To promote investment on beef cattle farming, the Minister of Agriculture will secure 350,000 ha of land located in Kalimantan, Merouke, and South East Sulawesi.   Source: www://finance.detik.com/read/2015/09/18/134333/3022584/4, 18 September  2015   Researched and summarized by...
Central Bureau of Statistics reported that during January-August 2015, Indonesia imported 2,385 tons of maize, an increase of 23% from 1,827 tons in the same period in 2014.   Source: www://finance.detik.com/read/2015/09/25/081030/3027747/4/, 25 September 2015   Researched...
Thai rice export was expected to fall down this year due to the increased competition in the world market by several importing nations. The president of the Thai Rice Exporters Association, agreed with the need for an institute to cope with this increased competition in the world rice exports....
Thailand’s ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives have been planning to propose financial support to Thai Farmers. The criterion to be given this kind of support was based on a standard earning level. Those lower than this level will obtain financial support and those who do not meet this...
Vietnam’s Minister of Agriculture and Rural development promulgated the Circular No. 13/2015/TT-BNNPTNT on March 25th, 2015 providing guidance on procedures for recognition of development of technique and new technology in field of agriculture and rural development.   Source: http://...
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development has issued Circular No. 16/2015 / TT-BNNPTNT regulating the national technical standard technical on aquaculture conditions to ensure food safety and the environment protection for the establishments of fish breeding in cages, and fresh water rafts...
