Policy-Related News

Introduced by Kun-Chan Tsai, FFTC e-mail: kctsai@fftc.org.tw Contract farming, viewed as an preharvest option for farmers selling yield to buyers (process factory, business middleman, or wholesalers et al.), has been conucted for years in developing and under-developed countries. Under the...
The federal government-released ‘National Blockchain Roadmap’ discusses how industry, government, and researchers can work together over the next five years to create blockchain-derived benefits and help realize the government’s goal of making Australia “a leading digital economy by 2030”,...
Introduced by Kun-Chan Tsai, FFTC e-mail: kctsai@fftc.org.tw The occurrence and prevalence ASF has negatively affected global pig meat supply, raising meat price into the recorded high, incluing bacon in USA. Asia accounts for nearly 56% of global pig meat production, and China is ranked first...
Introduced by Kun-Chan Tsai, FFTC e-mail: kctsai@fftc.org.tw In the past decades, the global agriculture has experienced siginificant innovation and advancement for better production output and higher yield efficiency, moving closer toward the ultimate target of global food security. Through...
Introduced by Kun-Chan Tsai, FFTC e-mail: kctsai@fftc.org.tw With the frequent international trades on agricultural goods between countries, the stable benefits to supply and demand sides rely heavily on the biosecurity. For the supply side, an efficient biosecurity management may increase...
Author: A Wahyudi, S Wulandari, A Aunillah, and JC Alouw IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 418 (2020) 012009 In addition to crop food, the other way to improve welfare and increase income of smallholder farmers in developing country is economic crops, such as coffee, cocoa, oil...
Author: Jiafeng Liu, Orit Gefen, Irine Ronin, Maskit Bar-Meir, Nathalie Q. Balaban Science 367:200-204 (2020)  Liu et al. (2020) proposed a concept that, under the presence of antibiotc tolerance background, the appearane of antibiotic resistance will be faster which lead to the collapse...
U.S. President Donald Trump said he will sign the first phase of a trade deal with China on Jan. 15, sealing an agreement that sees the Asian nation raising purchases of American farm goods in exchange for lower tariffs on some of its products. “The ceremony will take place at the White House,”...
