Policy-Related News

Illegally harvested timber, as well as traders of this item, will not be able to enter the supply chain Việt Nam is putting in place under the Voluntary Partnership Agreement on Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (VPA/FLEGT), an official has said. Director General of Vietnam Forest...
China has unveiled a series of measures to try to boost consumer spending and focus exporters on the domestic market as it continues to battle the United States over trade. In an official policy document published on Tuesday, the State Council, China’s cabinet, listed 20 measures to help...
New Agriculture Secretary William Dar on Tuesday said he wants an acccounting of ₱4 billion in funds released to assist rice farmers. The amount is part of the ₱5 billion the Department of Budget and Management released in December 2018 to complement the Rice Competitiveness Enhancement Fund. This...
The nominee to lead South Korea's agriculture ministry said Thursday that Seoul could face an uphill battle to keep claiming developing-country status due to U.S. pressure. "It is true that South Korea has difficulties in maintaining" the status, Kim Hyun-soo said in a parliamentary...
Europe and Japan cooperatively proposed to the IEC the development of an international standard for an information model for electricity balancing markets. This proposal was approved, so the IEC has started work on the standard. Data exchanges based on the information model will be able...
The number of agriculture management entities in Japan has gone below 1.2 million, the lowest in the past ten years, according to the data released by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan. The number of family management entities, which account for more than 90%, dipped 2.7...
AS the Musang King continues to enjoy popularity in China, the Agriculture and Agro-based Ministry has taken another step to further boost durian exports by looking at the possibility of including durian kampung in the mix. If the growing durian exports to China — as well as its production...
The Agriculture and Agro-based Industry Ministry placed four conditions on the Penang state government for its Penang South Reclamation (PSR) project, Parliament heard today. In his reply to Datuk Seri Reezal Merican Naina Merican (BN-Kepala Batas), Minister Datuk Salahuddin Ayub said the...
