Policy-Related News

An iwi-led project in Hawke’s Bay has just received $480,560 through the One Billion Trees Fund to restore native forest and upskill rangatahi [young people]. In 2017, approximately 73 hectares of virgin native forest in the upper Ripia River catchment were severely damaged by fire. The...
Fisheries Officers from the Australian Fisheries Management Authority (AFMA) represented Australia in Operation Kurukuru, a multinational coordinated regional maritime surveillance exercise targeting illegal, unregulated and unreported (IUU) fishing in the Pacific. Fifteen Pacific nations...
The sanitary and phytosanitary regulations for the export of guava from Taiwan to the United States officially took effect on October 17 (US Eastern time). After efforts over the last ten years to review documentary information, do in situ verifications, and hold numerous consultations, the Council...
The waters that surround Taiwan and the nation’s role in the world’s oceans have been the focus of top-level attention this year, as the government has endeavored for the EU to lift its yellow card on the deep-waters fishery industry and to win passage of the Ocean Basic Act (海洋基本法). The EU on...
At the top of a three-storey building in Hong Kong, with car horns blasting on the streets below, Jim Fung teaches a dozen students how to thin out choi sum vegetables. “Always use the resources you have,” the instructor said as he placed shredded office paper into soil-filled plastic...
Indonesia and Malaysia have long occupied the spotlight for oil palm plantations and their adverse consequences, including deforestation, habitat loss, climate change, and struggles with indigenous and local people. But other Southeast Asian countries are fast joining the two oil palm giants, with...
Malaysia signed a pact on Thursday for exports of palm oil to south Asia next year, amid uncertainty over trade with India after its dealers last month urged a boycott of palm oil from the southeast Asian nation. In October, India’s top vegetable oil trade body told members to stop buying...
Poppy war, or perhaps poppy skirmish. India’s heavily regulated poppy economy – the milky white fluid from seeds, called latex, is the mainstay of illegal drugs trade around the world – is witnessing a small but intense conflict over the Central Board of Narcotics (CBN) decision...
