Policy-Related News

Indonesia's ministry of economic affairs is set to discuss how the country will continue its ambitious biodiesel programme, a ministry official told Reuters on Wednesday. The economic affairs ministry was scheduled to meet on Wednesday to decide the government's next moves to ensure the...
The global pandemic has left millions of Indonesians struggling to make ends meet. Now the authorities are rolling out "rice ATMs" in a bid to ensure greater access for those in need to the essential Asian staple. This month Linda Syafri, a 28-year-old expectant mother was among the many who...
Donned in a cow costume, an official in Japan's Ministry of Agriculture issued one humble request to the nation: Drink more milk. "With schools and restaurants closed, consumption of milk products has dropped," Mr Yoshio Shitamura, an official at MAFF's dairy products department, said in a video...
A new school curriculum in New Zealand that tells students how to tackle climate change deniers and advises them to eat less dairy and meat has upset its farming community, which makes up the backbone of the country’s economy. Farmers say they feel targeted by the new course, adding to...
The Philippines is seeking another 300,000 tonnes of rice imports to boost state stockpiles while battling the coronavirus pandemic and ahead of its own lean season in the third quarter, a senior official said on Monday. A government-to-government deal of this volume would raise Philippine rice...
Myanmar’s fisheries sector will face its largest loss in history if demand does not pick up very soon, said U Myo Nyunt, secretary of the Myanmar Fisheries Products Processors & Exporters Association (MPEA). “Exports have collapsed. All international orders have been cancelled and we have...
A team of researchers inspect samples of many different rice varieties at the Lao PDR Rice Research Center (RRC). The RRC has identified more than 14,000 varieties of rice in Lao PDR – the greatest number of varieties of almost any nation on earth – and second only to India. The RRC produces around...
Overall, the number of confirmed positive cases of COVID‑19, as of mid‑April, is minimal. As a measure to prevent the spread of the virus, the Government of the People’s Democratic Republic of Lao has ordered a countrywide lockdown starting from 1 April until 3 May 2020 and imposed restrictions on...
