Policy-Related News

The government has entered negotiations to sign a memorandum of understanding (MoU) for implementation of the “Smart Farm Project”, an initiative of the South Korean government. Ngin Chhay, representing the General Directorate of Agriculture under the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and...
The Government of Japan has agreed to provide $754,321 to support the areas of education and agriculture in Cambodia, under the framework, The Grant Assistance for Japanese NGO Projects. The Grant Contract was signed Friday between Japanese Ambassador to Cambodia Mikami Masahiro, and the...
Malaysian ambassador to China, Raja Datuk Nushirwan Zainal Abidin, said the relationship between the two countries had grown stronger thanks to their joint efforts in managing the impact of the virus. Malaysia’s The Star reports that China has continued to be Malaysia’s largest trading partner...
The Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute (Mardi) has produced two new padi varieties in an effort to increase the country’s food supply. Agriculture and Food Industries Minister Datuk Seri Ronald Kiandee said the MR 315 and MRQ 104 to be commercially known as “Seri Waja” and...
China announced on Friday (Feb. 26) the country would suspend the import of Taiwan’s pineapples starting March 1, citing “harmful organisms” found in the fruit. China’s General Administration of Customs said the harmful organisms had been found in Taiwanese pineapples on multiple occasions since...
President Duterte has imposed a 60-day freeze in the prices of pork and chicken in Metro Manila to check their exorbitant prices in markets, earning the ire of local producers who believe the rates are “impossible” to meet. Executive Order No. 124, which the President signed on Monday, set price...
Malaysia will delay the nationwide rollout of its B20 palm oil biodiesel mandate to early 2022 to prioritise an economy that has been battered by the COVID-19 pandemic, state news agency Bernama reported late Thursday. The mandate to manufacture biofuel with a 20% palm oil component - known as...
The IMF believes the farm bills passed by the Indian government have the potential to represent a significant step forward for agricultural reforms, but a social safety net is needed to protect those who might be adversely impacted during the transition to the new system, a spokesperson of the...
