Service in the Philippines: Taiwan Lends a Helping Hand

New Southbound Policy Portal

A demonstration farm of the Taiwan Technical Mission (TTM) in the Philippines formally opened on December 15, 2023 in Tarlac City. The farm is a collaborative project between the Taiwan International Cooperation and Development Fund and the Department of Agriculture of the Philippines, and is expected to improve the incomes of local farmers. Says Tarlac provincial governor Susan Yap: “This is the best possible Christmas present for the people of Tarlac Province.”

The demonstration farm comprises open-air fields and two smart greenhouses. Dominick Lee, leader of TTM in the Philippines, takes us on a tour of the farm as he explains the difficult situation for agriculture in the country. The Philippines has a summer climate all year round, varying only between a rainy season (May–October) and a dry season (November–April). Typhoons, averaging 20 per year, have a huge impact on agricultural production. Says Lee: “Underdeveloped infra­structure means that parts of the country without access to any irrigation system must rely on rain for a water supply. As a result, agricultural production in the Philippines is always insufficient.”

Read more here.


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