Use of chili, curry powder banned in school lunches across Taiwan

Focus Taiwan

Amid concerns over banned dye found in chili powder imported from China, as of Thursday all cities and counties in Taiwan had announced temporary bans on the use of chili and curry powder in school lunches.

New Taipei was the first local government to announce a suspension Wednesday, prompting all other 21 cities and counties to follow suit.

The banned substances in question are Sudan dyes, a group of industrial dyes listed as toxic chemical substances and banned for use in foodstuffs by the Ministry of Environment's Chemicals Administration.

According to Taiwan's Food and Drug Administration (TFDA), from Feb. 9 to March 2, a total of 15 shipments of chili powder imported from China were found to contain Sudan dyes, resulting in the recall of a total of 122,588.4 kilograms of chili powder and related food products, such as curry powder.

Read more here.


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