Korea begins exporting Samgyetang to China


The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (MAFRA) recently announced that Korean Samgyetang will begin exporting to China. China has prohibited the import of Korean Samgyetang mainly because of quarantine and sanitation reasons. Samgyetang is a traditional chicken soup made with a young chicken stuffed with ginseng, sticky rice and garlic. It is a representative Korean food and widely recognized as an energy-boosting meal during the summer seasons.

(Researched and summarized by Dr. Jeong-bin Im)

Source: http://english.mafra.go.kr/eng/list.jsp?id=30228&pageNo=1&NOW_YEAR=2016&group_id=1001&menu_id=1020&link_menu_id=1020&division=B&board_kind=G&board_skin_id=G1&parent_code=1001&link_url=&depth=1&code=&link_target_yn=&menu_introduction=&menu_name=&popup_yn=&reference=&tab_yn=N
