Korea and China Will Jointly Take Measures to Cope with Foot-and-Mouth Disease and AI


On May 20, 2016, Korea’s Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency announced that from May 15 to 19, 2016 their officials visited the Lanzhou Veterinarian Research Center and Harbin Veterinarian Research Center of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Science and discussed ways to cope with foot-and-mouth disease and AI.


Source: http://english.mafra.go.kr/eng/list.jsp?id=30187&pageNo=1&NOW_YEAR=2016&group_id=1001&menu_id=1020&link_menu_id=1020&division=B&board_kind=G&board_skin_id=G1&parent_code=1001&link_url=&depth=1&code=&link_target_yn=&menu_introduction=&menu_name=&popup_yn=&reference=&tab_yn=N


(Researched and summarized by Dr. Byoung-Hoon Lee)
